
RealMount Solutions offers a complete managed service offering to enable you to maximize your savings and streamline your operation by managing your complete business requirements.

Outsourcing enables your company to focus on core business activities and lowers your IT burden by reducing the need to redirect internal resources on systems implementation, management and support. By outsourcing your business can get more benefits of greater stability, better performance and a deep pool of resources that can result from outsourcing combine to create a truly effective ROI (Return-On-Investment). We are providing customized, highly available environments for enterprise level business critical applications.

RealMount Solutions have our specialized outsourcing software development and test team. Our team successfully completed a many software development and software testing projects. We are providing an integrated software development services based on Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including Project Planning, Requirements Definition, Design, Development, Integration and Test, Installation and Acceptance. Our team has 20 plus years experience in IT solutions for cross industries, platforms, database in single to multi tier applications.

Outsourcing with us brings you

  • Reduced IT costs and improved ROI
  • Flexibility and scalability to transition to next generation infrastructure and applications
  • Improved service levels
  • Access to industry, business and technology experts
  • Better resource utilization
  • Increase in organizational flexibility
  • Ability to offload miscellaneous functions and concentrate on core competency
  • Improved financial metrics such as reduction in capital expenses

  • RealMount Solutions Outsourcing Models:

    i) Nearshore Outsourcing

    RealMount Solutions provides nearshore software development services across USA. Advantage to clients:

  • Nearshore proximity
  • Cost advantage – competitive rates for outsourcing engagements.
  • Process and quality – best practice and methodologies.
  • ii) Offshore Outsourcing

    India has become a center for innovative outsourcing operations. Many global and Fortune 1000 corporations have set up operations there. Opening such offices requires time, money and expertise with local conditions. RealMount Solutions is focused on providing and managing resources for Offshoring operations at a lower cost with a minimum hassle.

    RealMount Solutions Offshore Development Center (ODC) model is designed to create a successful long-term relationship with our valued clients. Our ODC engagement framework is tailored to the particular needs of each clients engagement. We provide offshore dedicated development teams that are a seamless extension of your product/application development lifecycle. Our teams are able to analyze your business requirements, provide development plans and implement your solution.

    Our ODC teams assorted with the following roles:

    Project Leader – Capable of understanding and solving the customer’s business challenges and able to manage a team of developers, ensures that the customer’s expectations are aligned with the project, life time experience in the field of related technology, experienced with universal testing approaches, responsible for quality assurance.

    Outsourcing with us brings you

    Lead/Senior Developer – Capable of understanding and solving the client’s business challenges and able to manage a team. Also responsible for design of the application architecture and build of the core and complicated modules.

    Intermediate Developer – Delivers high quality software according to requirements, best experience in the field of related technology, email and IM communication in English.

    iii) Online outsourcing

    RealMount Solutions provides full service back office support to your operations. You select the type and number of people you want, and we do the rest. They work with you like they are your staff, communicating with you daily. You manage them directly on projects while having none of the hassles of running a remote operation.

    Our guarantee on outsourcing:

    Cost of the latest iteration will be waived (2 weeks at most) if client is not satisfied with deliverables and claims it within 1 week. Contract can be cancelled within 10 working days if not satisfied with the work.